EUROPEAN FORTRESS DAY: How a WW2 pilot survived thanks to Pampus island and...
Everywhere in Europe there are forts, bunkers, castles and fortified towns. In order to bring the forts and fortification heritage of Europe more to the attention of a broad European public, a European...
View ArticleMuseumkidsweek tijdens de herfstvakantie: soldaten in het spotlicht!
Pampus richt tijdens de herfstvakantie het spotlicht op de soldaten die vroeger op het eiland woonden. Het viert de Museumkidsweek met Vriendschap en het einde van de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Het is dit...
View ArticleMonth of History: eyeopeners revolt!
Did you know that the Month of History is the largest history event in the Netherlands? Together with hundreds of cultural, tourist, literary and media organizations we bring history to the attention...
View ArticleNational Archeology Days: discover the Pampus’ Oud Roest Collection including...
The past comes to life on Pampus. The fort creaks, growls and pops in the Pampus Xperience, guides tell you full of color and smell about past times and in the dark corridors it sometimes seems to...
View ArticleMuseumkidsweek in the autumn holidays: soldiers in the spot lights!
Pampus focuses during the autumn holidays the spotlight on the soldiers who used to live on the island. It celebrates the Museumkidsweek with Friendship and the end of the First World War. It is...
View ArticleDoing voluntary jobs on Pampus Island? Join NLdoet for one day!
At the beginning of April, Fort Island Pampus opens again to the public; high time for a spring cleaning and a lick of paint here and there! Get on board in Muiden on 15 or 16 March and sail to Pampus...
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